DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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DMA's full analysis of the Upper Tier Tribunal judgement and how they benefit DMA members

DMA Analysis: The Upper Tier Tribunal rejects ICO appeal in the Experian Case. What does the verdict mean for DMA members?

Upskill your Digital Marketing

Join us online for this free DMA Digital Marketing Strategy Skills Bootcamp taster session and get a sneak peek at all the skills you could learn in the complete 16-week Skills Bootcamp. For many marketers, the challenge lies in striking the perfect balance across various media channels to...

DMA Awards Winners Showcase - Part 1

The DMA Awards 2023 were packed with amazing work. But have you ever wondered what lies behind the brilliance? Find out at this online event where we'll uncover the secrets behind the bold thinking and cut-through creative that fuelled the best work in the industry.

Virtual: Fundraising Forum - A guide to lottery and raffle marketing

Discover how you can drive meaningful change to your charity's marketing and fundraising approaches at our Virtual Fundraising Forum.

In conversation with the DMA Black Marketers Council: Michael Bristow

Natalie Eve Roper, Founder of Embrace, chats with marketing consultant Micahel Bristow about becoming an active and aware ally, the importance of sponsorship, and his belief in the change the Black Marketers Council can effect.

In conversation with the DMA Black Marketers Council: Lionel Fenton

Natalie Eve Roper, Founder of Embrace, chats with Ford Pro's Lionel Fenton about joining the DMA's Black Marketers Council, the power of the Black Pound, and championing diversity within organisations.

Pinterest: Future Trends Unveiled - Pinterest Predicts 2024 and Beyond

People use Pinterest to plan for the future — which means Pinterest has unique insight into what's going to be really big, really soon.

In conversation with the DMA Black Marketers Council: Marie Feliho

Natalie Eve Roper, Founder of Embrace, connects with Marie Feliho, Director of Customer Engagement at Virgin Media O2 and Deputy Chair of the DMA's Black Marketers Council about her aspirations for the group and commitment to being a role model.